
How to check if Doctrine entity is persisted and flushed to database?



function notPersisted() {
    return new Entity();
function persistedButNotFlushed() {
    $entity = new Entity();
    return $entity;
function persistedAndFlushed() {
    $entity = new Entity();
    return $entity;
function persistedButNotAllChangesFlushed() {
    $entity = new Entity();
    return $entity;



protected function assertEntityIsPersistedToDb($entity) {
    $unitOfWork = $this->entityManager->getUnitOfWork();
    $isManaged = $this->entityManager->contains($entity);
    $isFlushedToDb = !$unitOfWork->isEntityScheduled($entity);
    $id = $this->getEntityId($entity);
    $entityClassName = get_class($entity);
    $msg = "Expected entity of type $entityClassName to be persisted to the database, ";
    if (!$id) {
        $msg .= "but the entity does not have an id.";
    else if (!$isManaged) {
        $msg .= "but entity is not managed by the entity manager.";
    else if (!$isFlushedToDb) {
        $msg .= "but the entity has changes which have not yet been flushed.";
    $this->assertTrue(!!$id && $isManaged && $isFlushedToDb, $msg);
protected function assertEntityNotPersistedToDb($entity) {
    // Ensure that this is a managed entity
    if (!$this->entityManager->contains($entity)) {
        throw new 'PHPUnit_Framework_ExpectationFailedException(
            "Unable to determine if entity is persisted to DB: the entity is not managed."
        // Alternatively, we could maybe do an $em->merge($entity),
        // and then check its state. However, this could change our application
        // state, and potential effect test behavior.
    $isFlushedToDb = !$this->entityManager->getUnitOfWork()
    $entityClass = get_class($entity);
    $msg = "Expected entity of type $entityClass not to be persisted to the database.";
    $this->assertFalse($isFlushedToDb, $msg);

protected function getEntityId($entity) {
    $idList = $this->entityManager
    return empty($idList) ?
        null : call_user_func([$entity, 'get' . ucfirst(reset($idList))]);



static function assertEntityIsManaged(EntityManager $em, $entity) {
    $isManaged = $em->contains($entity);
    $entityClass = get_class($entity);
    $msg = "Expected entity of type $entityClass IS NOT Managed";
    assert($isManaged === TRUE, $msg);
static function assertEntityNotManaged(EntityManager $em, $entity) {
    $isManaged = $em->contains($entity);
    $entityClass = get_class($entity);
    $msg = "Expected entity of type $entityClass IS Managed";
    assert($isManaged === FALSE, $msg);
