
PHP - Using implode, explode, and array_unique to autopopulate a dropdown menu from two SQL columns of comma-separated keywords




$dropdownsql = "SELECT DISTINCT category FROM database";
$keywords = mysql_query($dropdownsql);
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($keywords))
  echo "<option value='"".$row['category']."'">".$row['category']."</option>'n  ";


$dropdownsql = "SELECT DISTINCT category FROM database";
$dropdownsql2 = "SELECT DISTINCT issues FROM database";
//run sql queries separately.  Ideally they would be combined into one right?
$rs = mysql_query($dropdownsql);
$rs2 = mysql_query($dropdownsql2);
$row = mysql_fetch_array($rs);
$raw = mysql_fetch_array($rs2);
//then implode the resulting arrays, placing commas & spaces so they'll match
$rows = implode(", ", $row);
$raws = implode(", ", $raw);
//try to concatenate the strings of comma-separated keywords
$keywordvaluesstring = $rows.$raws;
//then explode the concatenated string back into array
$keywordvalue = explode(", ",$keywordvaluesstring);
//then keep only one copy of duplicated keywords
$values = array_unique($keywordvalue, SORT_REGULAR);
//and finally echo the keywords into a dropdown 
foreach($values as $value){ 
  echo "<option value='"".$value."'">".$value."</option>'n  ";


$dropdownsql = "SELECT DISTINCT category FROM database";
$dropdownsql2 = "SELECT DISTINCT issues FROM database";
//run sql queries separately.  Ideally they would be combined into one right?
$rs = mysql_query($dropdownsql);
$rs2 = mysql_query($dropdownsql2);
$keywords = array();
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($rs)) {
    $keywords[] = $row[0];
while($raw = mysql_fetch_array($rs2)) {
    $keywords = array_merge($keywords, explode(', ', $raw[0]));
$values = array_unique($keywords, SORT_STRING);
//and finally echo the keywords into a dropdown 
foreach($values as $value){ 
  echo "<option value='"".$value."'">".$value."</option>'n  ";


//then implode the resulting arrays, placing commas & spaces so they'll match
$rows = implode(", ", $row);
$raws = implode(", ", $raw);
//try to concatenate the strings of comma-separated keywords
$keywordvaluesstring = $rows.$raws;


$keywordvalue = array_merge($rows, $raws);


<form method="GET" action="#">
<select name="keywords"> 
<OPTION selected><? echo $keyword1; ?></OPTION> 
//define the query (the database connection is accomplished elsewhere btw)
$dropdownsql2 = "SELECT DISTINCT category FROM database";
$dropdownsql = "SELECT DISTINCT issue, relatedissues FROM database";
$rs = mysql_query($dropdownsql);
$rs2 = mysql_query($dropdownsql2);
//create an array to hold the keywords
$allvalues = array();    

//take the values from category and append to the array
while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($rs2)) {
    array_push($allvalues, $row[0]);

//loop again -- explode creates an array of arrays so we handle in the loop
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($rs)) {
//for each comma separated string, explode it and append the results
    foreach($row as $str) {
    $exploded = explode(', ', $str);
    array_push($allvalues, $exploded[0]);      
//then keep only one copy of duplicated keywords
$values = array_unique($allvalues, SORT_REGULAR);
//and finally echo the keywords into a dropdown 
foreach($values as $value){ 
  echo "<option value='"".$value."'">".$value."</option>'n  ";


$dropdownsql = "SELECT DISTINCT category FROM database";
$dropdownsql2 = "SELECT DISTINCT issues FROM database";
$allvalues = array();
while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($rs)) {
    array_push($allvalues, $row[0]);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($rs2)) {
    $keywords = explode(',', $row[0]);
    foreach($keywords as $word) {
        array_push($allvalues, $word);
//then keep only one copy of duplicated keywords
$values = array_unique($allvalues, SORT_REGULAR);
//and finally echo the keywords into a dropdown 
foreach($values as $value){ 
    echo "<option value='"".$value."'">".$value."</option>'n  ";