
Prepared Statements: error near '? WHERE `quantity`=?'





        ///////MYSQL Login Data/////
        $user = "root";
        $password = "";
        $database = "printoptions";
        ///////MYSQL loging Data ///////
        //Grab the quantity selected from the form
        $quantity = explode('|+', $_POST['quantity']);
        //Set quantity to be only the numerical value not the add amount part
        $quantity = $quantity[0];
        //what is the name of the form? This comes from a hidden field
        $formname = $_POST['formname'];
        //instantiate mysqli object used for db queries
        $mysqli = new mysqli("localhost", $user, $password, $database);
        //If there is an error connecting to the database spit it out and tell me what the error is
        if ($mysqli->connect_errno) 
            echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: (" . $mysqli->connect_errno . ") " . $mysqli->connect_error;
        //Start our prepared statment
        //The query is:
        //SELECT `$attribute` FROM `$formname` WHERE `quantity` = $quantity
        if (!($stmt = $mysqli->prepare('SELECT ? FROM ? WHERE `quantity`=?'))) 
            echo "Prepare failed: (" . $mysqli->errno . ") " . $mysqli->error;
        //Loop Through each Post value
        foreach ($_POST as $name => $value) 
            //make sure we don't grab formname and quantity just get all the attributes and leave those alone
            if ($name != 'formname' AND $name != 'quantity') 
                //Prepared statement do our bind and execute
                //the attribute is the field values first part before the |+
                //so explode the $value
                $attribute = explode('|+', $value);
                //Assign just the first part
                $attribute = $attribute[0];
                //do the binding string, string, float(double)
                if (!$stmt->bind_param("sss", $attribute, $formname, $quantity)) 
                    echo "Binding parameters failed: (" . $stmt->errno . ") " . $stmt->error;
                //execute the query based on the binded paramaters
                if (!$stmt->execute()) 
                    echo "Execute failed: (" . $stmt->errno . ") " . $stmt->error;
                //Bind the results of the query temporarily to $result
                //If the result of the query is NOT equal to the value of the field make it fail validation
                if ($result != $value) 
                    //What to do if it fails validation
                    echo "Validation Failed You little Cheater!";
                } else
                    //What to do if it passes validation
                    echo "Validation Success!";
                 //end if checking form values aginst DB values
             //end if excluding formname and quantity
         //end foreach loop


<form action="post.php" method="post">
            <input type="hidden" name="formname" value="brochure">
            <select name="quantity" id="ff_elem13">
                <option value="1000|+550.00">1000</option>
                <option value="2500|+900.00">2500</option>
            <select name="fold" id="ff_elem14">
                <option value="foldBi|+15.00">Bi Fold</option>
                <option value="foldTri|+20.00">Tri Fold</option>

            <select name="color" id="ff_elem15">
                <option value="color40|+15.00"> Color 4:0</option>
                <option value="color41|+20.00">Color 4:1</option>

            <select name="rush" id="ff_elem16">
                <option value="rush13|+15.00">Rush 1-3 Days</option>
                <option value="rush24|+20.00">Rush 2-4 Days</option>
            <input type="SUBMIT" value="Submit">






   var prices = <?php echo json_encode($product_ids_and_prices_from_database); ?>;
    alert("Total cost: " + (prices['color40'] + prices['foldBi']));
