MySQL 查询中的错误 - 保留字

Error in MySQL query - reserved words


INSERT INTO messages (subject, from, recipient, text, time)
('Welcome in King of the States!','The Game','$username','Hello $username, THIS MESSAGE IS DISPLAYED IN ENGLISH AUTOMATICLY SORRY FOR THAT! this game is in baby stadium so if you will see any bugs, please report them to our help desc system','$time')

来自 sql 的错误:

#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'from, recipient, text, time) VALUES ('Welcome in King of the States!','The Gam' at line 1

from是一个MySQL保留字。 尝试将from放在反引号




INSERT INTO messages (`subject`, `from`, `recipient`, `text`, `time`)
('Welcome in King of the States!','The Game','$username','Hello $username, THIS MESSAGE IS DISPLAYED IN ENGLISH AUTOMATICLY SORRY FOR THAT! this game is in baby stadium so if you will see any bugs, please report them to our help desc system','$time')

From 是 mysql 中的保留关键字,因此请使用以下查询:

INSERT INTO `messages` (`subject`, `from`, `recipient`, `text`, `time`)
('Welcome in King of the States!',
 'The Game','$username',
'Hello $username, 
THIS MESSAGE IS DISPLAYED IN ENGLISH AUTOMATICLY SORRY FOR THAT! this game is in baby stadium so if you will see any bugs, please report them to our help desc system','$time')
"INSERT INTO messages SET subject='Welcome in King of the States!',from='The Game',recipient='".$username."',text='Hello.$username', time=''";


from 是 MySQL 中的一个关键字。所以你不能像这样直接在查询中使用。您需要每次都解析它,为此使用反引号
