PHP 为一周中的每一天生成时间戳

PHP generate timestamp for each day of the week



我不确定不使用大量 if/else 语句的最佳方法是什么。

$today = time();
    //$today = strtotime('next monday');
    // If today is monday, generate timestamps for each day of the week starting today
    if(date('D', $today) == 'Mon') {
        $mon = $today;
        $tue = strtotime('next tuesday');
        $wed = strtotime('next wednesday');
        $thu = strtotime('next thursday');
        $fri = strtotime('next friday');
        $sat = strtotime('next saturday');
        $sun = strtotime('next sunday');
    // Today is not monday, so generate timestamps for each day of the week, starting last monday
    else {
        $mon = strtotime('last monday');
        $tue = (date('D', $today) == 'Tue') ? $today : strtotime('last tuesday');
        $wed = (date('D', $today) == 'Wed') ? $today : strtotime('last wednesday');
        $thu = (date('D', $today) == 'Thu') ? $today : strtotime('last thursday');
        $fri = (date('D', $today) == 'Fri') ? $today : strtotime('last friday');
        $sat = (date('D', $today) == 'Sat') ? $today : strtotime('last saturday');
        $sun = (date('D', $today) == 'Sun') ? $today : strtotime('last sunday');
$now = time();
if(date('D', $now) == 'Mon') {
    $mon = mktime(0,0,0);
} else {
    $mon = strtotime('last monday');
$tue = strtotime('+1 day', $mon);
$wed = strtotime('+1 day', $tue);
$thu = strtotime('+1 day', $wed);
$fri = strtotime('+1 day', $thu);
$sat = strtotime('+1 day', $fri);
$sun = strtotime('+1 day', $sat);